Online Personalize Plate Reservation System
Mike Kehoe, Governor
Trish Vincent, Director
This online application is designed for the ordering of standard personalized and select specialty plates only. After you successfully complete this reservation application, do not submit a paper application for this personalized plate order. If you are interested in applying for a personalized specialty plate or Vehicle Type not listed below (disabled, organization, military, or historic) you cannot use this online application. You must use Form 570, Form 1716 or Form 4601 and apply at your local license office. The forms can be located at
Select Type of Plate:
-Please select type of plate-
Back the Blue
Be an Organ Donor
Breast Cancer Awareness
Children's Trust Fund
Don't Tread on Me
Fight Terrorism
God Bless America
Missouri Remembers
Regular Personalized
Some Gave All
You must provide a brief explanation of the meaning of the plate configuration.