Detailed Criteria
Space and character limits for personalized plates are as follows:
- Regular personalized license plates may consist of no more than six characters plus a dash, a space, or an apostrophe.
- Regular personalized motorcycle, motortricycle, and autocycle plates may consist of no more than six characters including a dash, space, or an apostrophe.
- Specialty plates with an emblem may consist of no more than six characters including a dash, space, or an apostrophe.
- Specialty motorcycle, motortricycle, and autocycle plates with an emblem may consist of no more than five characters including a dash, space, or an apostrophe.
- Only one dash, one space, or one apostrophe may be used. A combination or multiple dashes, spaces or apostrophes cannot be used.
A box is provided for each character, dash, space, or apostrophe you may request. A
space is represented by an empty box.
The total number of boxes illustrated does not represent the number of letter and numbers which you may request for your personalized plate as indicated in the limitations above. For Regular Personalized plates an additional box is represented in order to allow you to illustrate where you may want to place a dash, space, or an apostrophe.
Examples of valid configurations are as follows:
Examples of invalid configurations are as follows:
S’S K-5