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General Help

User Information

To view or edit any of your user information, (i.e. email, contact name, phone number .....) click the Account Information button on the home page. It will direct you to a page that contains your personal information. (If you were not logged in it will take you to the login page and then redirect you to the account page after a successful login)

To update personal information on the account page including password, email, and phone number the user must edit the desired text box with the updated information and click the Save button.

To change password on the account page the user must type in their current valid password in the first textbox and type the new password twice, once in the second textbox and once in the third then click the change password button.


To Login the user must click the login button on the home page which will take the user to the login page. The user will then type the correct user name and password combination then click the login button.


The recommended method of printing all grid information is to type the key combination 'Ctrl+P' or print from browser settings.


Every user is assigned a role that enables access to different parts of the application. The menu bar changes based on the logged in user’s role. If a desired link is not in the menu bar, the logged in user does not have the appropriate role.

Time Outs

To ensure record security, the system will timeout after 20 minutes of non-use, requiring you to login again.


To search, a user must enter some criteria into one of the text boxes on the personal property tax page then click search. A table will be loaded with results matching the filled out textboxes and selected dropdown options.


You may sort the group of records that are displayed after you complete a search by clicking on the column heading. For example, if you have entered a trucking company’s name and are looking for a particular make, click on the “Make” column heading and the records displayed will be sorted alphabetically by vehicle make.


If you have a question regarding the record you are reviewing, please contact the Department of Revenue at (573) 751-4509 or

Personal Property Tax Help
Personal Property Instruction
Motor Vehicle Help
Motor Vehicle Instruction
Administration Help

Search and Edit Users

Admin Search Instruction

Create Users

Admin Create User Instruction

Manage Roles

To activate added roles contact system admin

A user must have a role that is in the valid roles list. Users will not be granted access without a valid role.

Admin Roles Instruction